
Thursday, 9 January 2014

All men cheat? Ha ha ha

I recently told an acquaintance of mine how shocked I was by the behaviour of men who abandon their wives and children in the excitement of having won the attentions of a younger women or a white as has been happening with a lot of black men. There have been too many cases of children who are destitute when their fathers are living in the lap of luxury with another woman.
If a man is himself not living under a bridge, why should a man be forced by the courts to look after his children; it boggles the mind, but it happens on a daily basis nonetheless.
“How does a man possibly sleep at night, not knowing what his children and wife have eaten?” The guy’s response was not a surprise as I have been getting the same response from both men and women for some time now:
“You are only saying so because you don’t have a small-house of your own”. The reasoning of what seems to be the majority is that my sense of responsibility will be history once the super beings called Small Houses get hold of me. Ha ha ha.
I tried reasoning with man without much success. My line of reasoning was simple; if I am thinking clearly now, why should the sight of a younger and presumably sexier (in my case it’s not really possible) woman change how I take my responsibilities seriously.
Examples of men who abandoned their families to run off with a younger and prettier acquisition have been thrown at me each time I have tried to make people understand that abandoning your responsibilities is a choice and it being a choice it can be changed for a more reasonable choice: A choice like never abandoning your wife and children no matter what. Well, divorces happen – and they should happen within reason, but children are yours until you die and your responsibility for the duration of your life and beyond.
The problem with us men is that we tell each other nonsense whenever we are gathered. We make each other believe that our wayward behaviours are beyond our control; like there is some powerful natural force that forces us to sleep around without protection, lose our heads whenever a pair of sexy legs is within sight. Why do we behave as if blowing entire monthly earnings in a matter of days with a concubine is something beyond our control?
Advice to each other range from how to ‘handle’ our women, how screw the daylights out of women who ‘seduce’ us otherwise they will think we are not men enough to the ridiculous one of how it is inevitable for us to abandon all that means everything to us whenever a young woman decides to open her legs for us.
The story has to change. I decided not to make New Year’s resolutions for 2014 for obvious reasons. But I guess I will make just one; I will not be part of a conversation that does not promote responsible behaviour amongst men.

1 comment:

  1. God bless you for this. Wish there were more men like you.

